Thursday, July 15, 2010

Repost: Google Buzz Good. Google Wave Bad.

I like Google Buzz. It actually has users, and it's well integrated with something people already use: Gmail. Well done. Kudos. I'm happy that Google finally did something right, and it did it without having to acquire something else. The UI is easy and simple to understand. The flow integration with Flickr, Picasaweb, Twitter, etc is well done. It's not very obtrusive (yet). I like Google Buzz. KUDOS!!!

In contrast to Google Buzz, Google Wave launch a few months back was a colossal failure. See for yourself:

See, even Google search says the Wave a failure, and Google search never lies. It's on the internet, it must be true! You know what the Wave team says in response to criticisms? "People don't get Wave" "It's too far ahead of its time." "It's only for power users." "It makes sense in my corporate niche settings."

That's a lot of spin and crap there. It reminds me of this dude in the oval office recently that made a bunch of hasty decisions based on faulty intelligence, but he would never admit failure. In addition, the way his press engine kept spinning stories left and right made his entire party look really really bad. He lost credibility. I can't believe the Wave team is doing the same thing. It's a total shame people just don't want to admit their failures. For spinning stories, I think they should be penalized with a Reverse-Founders Award; pay back Google millions of dollars they squandered developing Wave, and trying to give it a nice spin.

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