Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sun + Oracle = Sunacle or OrcSun

Ok this is hitting pretty close to home as I know people who have or had worked at either Sun or Oracle. I didn't slave away few years in Sunnyvale for nothing. What do I think about the Sunacle|OrcSun acquisition?A few years ago the picture looked like this:
Oracle's business viability = [world's greatest sales/marketing] + [mediocre and bad engineering]
Sun's business viability = [really really bad sales/marketing] + [amazing R&D and engineering]

To put it another way, Oracle survives by selling ice-cubes to Eskimos, and Sun survives by making great ice-cubes and trying to sell them in Alaska. You with me so far? So the acquisition means the following:
Oracle + Sun = [world's greatest sales/marketing] + [mediocre and bad engineering] + [amazing R&D and engineering] + [really really bad sales/marketing]

I'm sure the performance metrics driven Automaton (AKA Larry Ellison) will see this in no time, and knowing him, he will drive up his metrics by doing the followings:
Oracle + Sun - [mediocre and bad engineering] - [really really bad sales/marketing] = [world's greatest sales/marketing] + [amazing R&D and engineering]

Now there's a recipe for greater success! Just fire Oracle engineers (esp. the apps/CRM/ERP group that live on 400/600 Oracle Pkwy, Redwood Shores) and fire Sun sales/marketing team. Stock holders rejoice!

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